I've had four frelling Mondays in a row!
My "mundane" job is working as NeuroMuscular Massage Therapist, a modality based on research of too many people to go into here.* I quote a martial artist, a teacher of one of my teachers**, when I say, "I stand on the shoulders of giants."
I usually don't work 5 days in a row, because I live in a rural Northern Neck town & usually I don't have 12 people who all want massages in the same week. You know the cliche, right? No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.***
And, let me count the other ways in which I have overextended myself this week:
April PAD -- with not one, but two separate themes (2 poems a day was my well-nigh impossible goal)
MNINB Platform Challenge (Bob, could you not do one in April then one in May? Huh?)
And starting on Monday of this week, an 8-week Poetry Workshop with Diane Frank, a poet, editor & educator in San Francisco. (Website info coming soon.)
Fortunately, there are only 2 others poets in the intro workshop. (Wipes sweat from forehead.). We've written & critiqued our first poem, as of today, when I finally sent off my critiques mid-afternoon. I have received my critique from the instructor. And am pondering her advice.
I give April PAD-ing all the credit for the ease for which I wrote my poem.
And the MNINB Platform Challenge for keeping my forebrain occupied with all the scary social media stuff, allowing my hindbrain to churn out lots of poems this month, so far anyway.
I have an open mic event at a local coffee house in town on Saturday night. At Java Jack's in Tappahannock, Va from 6:30pm to when we shut the place down.
Come on out, if you're in the area. I'm one of four featured poets.
Brain just died. Goodnight.
* go to Judy Walker's NMT Center website for more information.
** Steve Roensch, Hanshi. His instructor --who's name I will put here when I consult my notes.
*** Monty Python
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