Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Es ist Fertig!

Es ist Fertig!

Or, auf English, It is finished!  Done!  Kaput!  Behind me!

April's challenges are done, now I just have to make sure I post all the remaining poems I didn't get to this month on the Poetic Asides comments.  And to go through the Paltform challenges to make sure I did 'em all.   I'm pretty sure I did.

I should be jumping up & down and high five-ing myself, but I still have to send my interviewee my questions, send my guest blog post to my friend so she can put it up on her blog, and check my May editorial calendar to make sure I'm on tract.  

Yes, I know it's on the first of May, but to paraphrase a friend of mine, and one of my Sensei, "The 31st will sneak up onya!"

I did get my second poem for the online workshop written and sent in this morning.* It's scary for me to do this.  They are three poets I've never met in person.  They will only judge me through my work, rough drafts I whip off when inspiration strikes a la April PAD-ing madness.  

 I've taken a couple of workshop classes before.**  So I should be used to it, but it's been awhile & revising has never been my favorite thing to do.

Sigh. OK, my 15 minutes are up.  Gotta post this and get a move on.

* Online workshop with poet Diane Frank at Blue Light Press.

** With Sebastian Matthews via UNC-Asheville's Smokey Mountain Writer's Program in 2007 (& it's a good thing I really didn't know who he was then, otherwise I would've been much more intimidated by him). Last summer with G. Cleveland Winfield III, which has since turned into The Deft Poetry Society, meeting twice a month & sometimes taking advantage of the Inspiration Elevation open mic's he MC's at Java jack's in Tappahannock, Va on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month.

1 comment:

  1. April was a whirlwind, wasn't it? And I didn't even try the PAD (i'm in the middle of a poetry project that's got its own agenda, apparently)

    Finding the right critique group can be difficult. I finally found the right set of buddies to work with; it's such a help when it works right.
