I over-labeled, I think.
But I'm running on very little sleep, so this won't be very long, or detailed.
I'll just say, I've had a helluva time so far. And probably will fall asleep with my head on the keyboard in a minute.
Met some nice authors, scared another with my pirate costume accessories -- enough that said author said "Hi" to me by name every time he saw me* --, scored some free & not so free books, t-shirts, art. Oh, yeah, still have that auction to pay for, frell!
And wore two costumes, if you count the Chinese long tunic I wore today, and the mask I bought 'cuz it matched the tunic.
I just had to leave a panel about the probe we (NASA / US government) is building to go the closest one ever has to the sun. Even though scientists have wanted to do this for 50+ years, only now is technology at the point where we can build what we need in order to protect the instruments from the high radiation of the sun. I was starting to head nod despite my interest. So I left rather than start snoring during her lecture.
And I have not had enough coffee to see me through any more panels, despite wanting to hit the science of Wedenesque universe panel in less than 13 minutes. And the firking, song fest thingie.
Next time...so, I'm signing off from Balticon 46. And need to phone home now.
* OK, scared is an (over-)exaggeration. I did get a "Holy sh!t, better treat this like it's loaded," when he felt the weight hit his hand. & a "remind me not to piss you off, AC."
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