Monday, July 1, 2013


Yes, I know, I still suck at this whole blog thing.

Well, I had a good weekend, even if my SO was home stuck with the dog because his niece backed out of dog-sitting at the last minute.  Never trust a teenager. 

I still am about a week behind in my online Literature of Science Fiction class.  I put off reading "Frankenstein" that first week of class and have yet to catch up.  I have a solid A average, but prolly will never take an online lit class again. I like the actual class atmosphere.  And reacting to class discussion as opposed to reading a boat-load of responses on the computer.

I get to write my final on "Farscape," which tickles the crap outta me.  Gotta find that fan-book to see if I can get any useful quotes to use in my final.

Who-hoo!  I actually posted on my blog.

And I'm not doing Camp NANO this year. Too effin busy.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


This is the weekend I meet my 2 sisters in NC and we head to my Mom's small hometown to spread her ashes around her headstone. We are planting daffodils I have yet to dig out of my back yard. And I bought some Iris bulbs to plant. Guess we'll have to plant them close to her headstone so they don't get mowed over by the groundskeepers.

My older sister feels like this should just be us girls, since the memorial service brought friends and family together to remember her life. I'm of two minds. I feel that we should warn my Mom's closest friend in her hometown to let her know we are coming rather than just calling her out of the blue, so she can make plans. And two days notice is better than day of notice, right?

Anyway, my Mom missed 23 years of North Carolina springs while living in the Alaskan Bush. It's appropriate that we embrace spring for her this year.

Miss you Mom.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dang (To quote my favorite soldier)

I meant to be better about writing this dang blog. [Sigh]

Maybe I'll even figure out how to post a picture on this thing. I am soooo not techno-savvy.

Short post today. Just gonna bitch about being self-employed. Ready or not, here it comes.

My 10 am apt forgot about me, so I had to run errands for a half hour. My noon apt cancelled at 10. My last apt is gonna confirm sometime today that he will be able to make his 5 pm time slot. I am driving to him and schlepping my stuff as well, which means my 1 hour apt will more than likely take close to 2 hours, minimum. (Sigh) At least I figured out how to use my phone credit card reader with a regular client who doesn't mind me making an ass of myself as I muddled through the program.  : )

I am in week 8 of an 8 week online poetry class. I am behind because I was running around like a muppet (Grover, of course) for 5 days. And my body betrayed me by succumbing to another effing sinus infection.  Damn auto-immune crap.

And so, I have 5 critiques to make up, need to write my last poem and have 5 more critiques to look forward to in the next week. I can do it!

Now, what lovely photo am I gonna upload now?

It's a iPhone closeup of a tree I turned around in order to photo, then realized I had left my Nikon at home.  Again.  So, it's not the greatest...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ahem, it's been awhile

And I'm not going to apologize to anyone but myself.  'Cuz all this blogging stuff is mainly for me anyway.  I'm also thinking about changing what I do on this thing (not that I have a specific theme or anything), mainly because it's not that interesting to me to write about writing.  You can read all about that other places.

I think I'm going to do a couple of different things.  Maybe a science fiction book review, which would mean me actually getting back into reading them on a semi-regular basis.  Maybe a photo day, to get me back into playing with (& learning about) my digital camera.  And the maddening photo-shoppy programs that I persist in fruitless attempts to learn to operate.  [Sigh]   Not sure what else.  Guess links to little things which tickle my fancy.  But, maybe not 'cuz you can see LOL Cats on FB all you want.

I'm only 71 days behind my NY's Resolution schedule here.