Saturday, May 19, 2012


Sometimes when I try to bring up my blog site, this comes up as no. 1 on the list, and I have to scroll down to find myself.

It's a silly song.  Could be about pot.  Could be about a cat named dog.  Dr. Hook evidently covered it.  Though I have yet to find it.  Hmm.  Just did.

I never walked my cat Kimik on a leash, for fear that he'd rip me a new one.  He was a big cat.  And not very co-operative if you didn't let him lounge on your lap for hours.

I'm procrastinating at the moment.  Or, I should say, just chillin' after a day that started at 0450.  Let's just say my circadian rhythms have moved from night owl-dom to WTF can't I go back to sleep?!?

I've been a bit more productive since I started getting up earlier.  But about this time of day, my motivation is nowhere to be found and I'm thinking a little nap-fu action is called for.   Hmm, pillow good.

How have your rhythms changed lately?


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