Saturday, April 7, 2012

Not sure I wanna do this...

but Robert Lee Brewer challenged me, so I'd better step up to the, er, internet.

I'm an introvert.  I am the wallflower with her face stuck in the book at parties.  Or looking for reasons to just not go in the first place.  Or hiding behind the camera because I hate to have my picture taken.  Often photographers like to hide this way.

I prefer to communicate with written, not spoken, words. Or images, if I'm carting the camera around.  I guess blogging should feel comfortable.  But it sure is scary doing this first post.  Which, truth be told, I should have done a few days ago.  But I think I was trying to get out of town for Easter and, well, I procrastinated.

I think I'm up to 5/7 of RLB's Platform challenge*.  The challenge is to get a number of us who write to his Poem-A-Day Challenges** in April (National Poetry Month) and November (poem/chapbook version of NaNoWriMo***) out into the real world.  Those of us who are scared silly sharing our work with others.  Or at least, the general public.

I'm trying to write not one, but two poems a day (what can I say, I'm a masochist! and I have more than one project going at a time).  During the same 30 days, I'm also attempting to set up an internet presence without having internet at my house.  (I don't have cable either.)

Ah, yes, I am aware that this is insane.

On that note, I'm signing off .  Maybe I'll catch up tomorrow.

I'm still blaming Robert.

*You can find the platform challenge at the blog My Name Is Not Bob.
**The Poem-A-Day challenge can be found at Poetic Asides with Robert Lee Brewer.
***National Write a Novel in a Month


  1. Hi, fellow over-thinker! I also am working through the April Challenge, so here I am to say hello. I enjoyed your sense of humor which comes through so well in your blog. I look forward to reading more!

  2. Thanks, Blyth. Good luck with your challenge. I'm still behind!
